Thursday, 14 November 2019

What Would a Martian Colony Look Like?

What Would a Martian Colony Look Like?
If and when human beings settle on Mars, a number of things need to be addressed beforehand; not the least of which are food, water, housing, protection and transportation. There is no shortage of people today who have an opinion on whether or not humans should colonize...

Chinese firm opens Mars base simulator in desert

Chinese firm opens Mars base simulator in desert
This aerial photo taken on April 17, 2019 shows "Mars Base 1", a C-Space Project, in the Gobi desert, some 40 km from Jinchang in China's northwest Gansu province | Photo Credit: AFP The company behind the project, C-Space, plans to allow tourists into the currently...

Monday, 11 November 2019

Super-Habitable World May Exist Near Earth

Super-Habitable World May Exist Near Earth
Earth is the only known example of an inhabited planet in the universe, so the search for alien life has focused on Earth-like worlds. But what if there are alien worlds that are even more habitable than Earth-like planets? These so-called "superhabitable"...

'First light' achieved on upgraded planet-finding instrument to search for Earth-like planets in nearest star system

Newly-built planet-finding instrument installed on Very Large Telescope, Chile, begins 100-hour observation of nearby stars  Alpha Centauri A and B, aiming to be first to directly image a habitable exoplanetBreakthrough Watch, the global astronomical program...

Earth-Like Planets Could be Right Next Door

Earth-Like Planets Could be Right Next Door
Astronomers estimate that billions of habitable planets are orbiting red dwarf stars. What would it be like to live there?Even in places where skies are dark and the Milky Way seems to fill our view, the night sky is teeming with stars we cannot see.  These...


TWO EARTH-LIKE PLANETS FOUND NEAR DWARF STAR Its HABITABLE JONES  Kepler-452b has been for some time now consider Earth's closest cousin in terms of characteristics. It belongs in the Cygnus constellation and is approximately 1400 light-years away from us.  Now,...